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Author: World Bank

Title: Primary Education In India

Year: 1997

Price: 30.00

Publisher: WorldBank

Author: Yablun, Ronn

Title: How To Develop Your Child's Gifts And Talents In Math

Year: 1995

Price: 16.95

Publisher: LowellHse

Author: Yates, Chris (eds.)

Title: Basic Education at a Distance: World Review of Distance Education and Open Learning, Volume 2

Year: 2001

Format: Adobe eBook

Price: 21.75

Publisher: RoutledgeFalmer

Author: Yeo

Title: Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Mathematics

Year: 2002

Format: PDF

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Publisher: WileyIntersci

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Title: The Japanese High School: Silence and Resistance

Year: 2001

Format: Adobe eBook

Price: 90.00

Publisher: Routledge

Author: Youmans, Edward Livingston 1821-87 (ed)

Title: The culture demanded by modern life


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Author: Youmans, Edward Livingston 1821-87 (ed)

Title: The culture demanded by modern life; Addresses, arguments on the claims of scientific education


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Title: War Stories & School-Day Incidents for the Children

Year: 1912

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