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Year: 1993

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Author: Percy, William

Title: Sonnets to the Fairest Coelia

Year: 1594/1877

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Title: Cultural Encounters: The Impact of the Inquisition in Spain & the New World

Year: 1991

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Author: Petrarca, Francesco 1304-1374

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Author: Philo, of Alexandria

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Author: Plattard, Jean, 1873-1939

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Title: Records of the Reformation, v 2, The Divorce, 1527-1533

Year: 1870 Oxford

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Author: Pocock, Nicholas (ed.) 1814-1897

Title: Records of the Reformation: The Divorce 1527-1533: [v1] mostly ... from MSS in the B.M., Public Record Office,

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Title: Records of the Reformation: The Divorce 1527-1533: [v2] mostly ... from MSS in the B.M., Public Record Office,

Year: 1870

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Author: Puttenham, George (attrib)

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Author: Ring, Grete

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Year: 1913 Siena

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Author: Sacks, David Harris

Title: The Widening Gate: Bristol & the Atlantic Economy, 1450-1700

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Author: Saineanu, Lazar, 1859-1934

Title: L'influence et la reputation de Rabelais; interpretes, lecteurs et imitateurs un rabelaisien (Marnix de Saint-

Year: 1930 Paris

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Author: Saisselin, Remy G.

Title: The Enlightenment Against the Baroque: Economics & Aesthetics in the Eighteenth Century

Year: 1992

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Publisher: UCaPress

Author: Sandorfia, Miklos et. al.

Title: Renaissance Dance Discography

Year: n.d.

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Author: Sannazzaro, Iacopo, 1458-1530

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Author: Schaff, Philip

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Year: 1888 NY

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Author: Scheiner, Christoph, 1575-1650

Title: Pantographice: seu ars delineandi res quaslibet per parallelogrammum lineare seu cavum, mechanicum, mobile / C

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